Over 200 rescued animals live at Kindred Spirits Rescue Ranch. Here are a few of our many sanctuary stars!

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  • Bianca and Doug

    Like the majority of the ducks living here, Bianca and Doug are domestic ducks who were dumped in the wild and would not have survived for long if not rescued. They came at different times from different rescue efforts, but as soon as they laid eyes on each other in the barn, it was duck love. Theirs is one of our favorite love stories at the rescue ranch!

  • Umber

    Umber is a Norwegian ram who behaves very much like a golden retriever! He is friendly, affectionate, and extremely loyal to the female sheep and volunteers. This was not the case when he first arrived here. Umber was intended to be a ‘trophy’ at a hunting club, but a twist of fate brought him to sanctuary instead. Umber was rightfully terrified of humans, was aggressive and downright lethally dangerous. After a few months, he had an overnight change, realizing he would be safe, unharmed, and provided for in his new home. His transformation from abused and terrified to happy and free is an example of exactly why we do what we do.

  • Shiloh

    Sweetheart Shiloh was born a triplet. Sadly, his siblings were still born, and his mother passed away the next day. His owner reached out to us seeking help for the orphaned newborn, and we were able to take him in and take over ‘Mom’ duties. Shiloh has grown up to be a healthy, happy boy, beloved by all who meet him!

  • Kevin

    Meet Kevin, one of our most unique residents! Kevin is an uncommon (in the US) bovine species called a zebu. But don’t tell him he’s a cow! He will tell you he’s Kevin, part mystery/part goat. Tour guests are likely to be greeted at the barn by Kevin before he returns to wandering around, doing his own thing. Kevin is a unique, independent fella who likes to move about at his preferred slow pace, usually by himself. But every night, he wants to sleep with his goat friends (and occasionally the pigs!)

  • Peanut Butter

    Peanut Butter, like many of the cows we have taken in over the years, was a sickly calf who was intended to become veal. Baby Peanut Butter was so emaciated that he could barely stand when he was rescued in June of 2019. He is a great friend to all of the cows here and has the most beautiful eyes!

  • Ozzie

    Ozzie was found wandering downtown Pittsburgh emaciated, with a rope around him, and wounded. This young ram arrived in the summer of 2022 and has quickly become a favorite among volunteers because he is so very sweet. He loves to snuggle and wags his tail when you pet him!

  • Pax and Neo

    Pax and Neo were also rescued from the dairy/veal industry and raised at Kindred Spirits Rescue Ranch. Neo was the only surviving injured calf from a tractor trailer accident on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Both have grown up to be healthy, calm, and gentle young men,

  • Stinky

    Affectionately named Stinky is yet another resident who came to us after being seized by Humane Officers. Stinky enjoys getting into mischief and exploring with his best friend, Stitch. Stinky is just one of the 16 wonderful goats living here.

  • Romeo and Juliet

    Romeo and Juliet are a bonded pair of greylag geese. They came to Kindred Spirits Rescue Ranch after another sanctuary who was full reached out in search of a safe, loving forever home for them. Romeo and Juliet fit in quickly with the rest of the geese gang here, who are known to parade around the property all day, loudly announcing their presence.

  • Anderson

    Anderson is a young alpaca who was rescued and came to live with us in the winter of 2022. He is very shy, but oh-so-sweet and enjoys spending time with the ducks and geese!

  • Olive and Rosie

    Olive and Rosie came here after being seized by Humane Officers in 2021. This sweet pot belly pair sleep side by side every night. Rosie enjoys rest and relaxation, and Olive loves to explore in the woods on our property.

  • Lulu

    Lulu is one of our newest residents and is Anderson’s best friend! Lulu is a bit shy, ivery curious and she loves to explore and graze with Anderson.

  • Rescued cow Daisy was abandoned and neglected.  Humane officers called Kindred Spirits Rescue Ranch and she is now healthy and happy living her at the sanctuary with other rescued cows


    Daisy is a true survivor. A humane officer contacted us in October of 2019 about an emaciated cow who was abandoned in the woods with no food or water sources. After 2 weeks of taking food and water to her and allowing us to get closer and closer to her, we were finally able to get her onto and a trailer and bring her ‘home’. Her physical, mental, and emotional recovery took some time, but once she began to thrive, there was no looking back!

  • Numerous rescued chickens and hens that were intended to be used in Kaporos rituals now live safely and happily at Kindred Spirits Rescue Ranch animal sanctuary

    Kaporos Hens and Roosters

    We have taken in many chickens who were rescued from the terrible fate of a ritualistic slaughter tradition known as Kaporos. Approximately 60,000 chickens are killed each year on New York City sidewalks in this ritual, but some are able to escape and run away, where activists are ready to rescue them and transport them to adopters or sanctuaries like ours.

  • Milly is a shire horse who Humane Officers seized from an abusive situation.  She was once starving and overbred, but is now healthy and free to live her life as a horse without a job.


    Milly is a gentle giant Shire horse who enjoys spending her pasture time with best friends Shirley and Icelandic horse, Geyfa. Millie and Geyfa were both very timid when they first arrived here in June of 2020, but now Millie is confident and one of the first animals to say ‘hello’ to volunteers.

  • Friday is a pot bellied pig who was rescued by Humane Officers from an abusive situation.  He now lives happily with 3 other pigs at Kindred Spirits Rescue Ranch farm animal sanctuary.  He is very friendly and loves mud and belly rubs,


    Here is Friday in his favorite place… mud! Friday was seized in a humane abuse investigation and brought here for shelter and care while a court case was fought. He became an ‘official’ permanent resident in the spring of 2022, and you would never know that Friday has suffered cruelty at the hands of humans. He is very outgoing, affectionate, and loves to lay down with volunteers and visitors for belly rubs and head scratches.